The importance of comprehensive data protection became even more serious recently with the introduction of a malicious strain of malware called CryptoLocker. Once triggered, CryptoLocker encrypts many of your files and locks them up. Currently, the only way to decrypt your files is to pay a ransom of up to $300 for a decryption key… and it doesn’t always work. If you’re unaware of this virus, I highly recommend you learn more about it at:
The onslaught of this ransomware has been a pervasive reminder of what an important job our resellers do to protect their clients, and what a huge responsibility we have to provide a comprehensive protection solution. We strongly believe local AND offsite backups are essential for recovery in a variety of scenarios (e.g. CryptoLocker), and our real-time replication with no data loss and fast failover in minutes provides the best business continuity available for SMB’s.
On a final note, we are working on opportunities that will allow us grow a bigger and more capable HEROware so we can server our Resellers and their clients even better, and help them profitably grow their businesses. We plan to share some big news on these opportunities in future communications.
Bob Erickson
President and COO, HEROware