September Message from HEROware


The best companies listen to their customers. You know it; we know it. So, as the new president and (still) COO of HEROware (as you likely already know, our dear friend Rob Ryan received an offer that he couldn’t refuse), I’m very pleased to announce the formation of a “HEROware Reseller Advisory Board.”

The HEROware Reseller Advisory Board will be charged with identifying the best practices of our top resellers, and then enabling all of our resellers to leverage them. These best practices will include everything from effective selling of HEROware solutions, to installation and configuration of your client environments, and efficient monitoring and management of all of your customers’ protected devices.

Under the guidance of the advisory, board we will develop platforms to better educate our resellers, especially as to how our largest resellers have used HEROware to help drive the growth of their business. These very successful HEROware resellers often lead with HEROware solutions when meeting with a prospective client. This strategy has helped them significantly increase their close rates, and HEROware’s pricing has enabled them to boost their profits as well.

I’d also like to update you on the availability of our next product release. We are looking forward to bringing you the latest and greatest versions of our high-availability backup and disaster recovery products in October. Stay in touch with us for more information on this release and our upgrade program, as well as many other great things coming from HEROware in the next few months.

Bob Erickson
President and COO, HEROware

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